Saturday, December 14, 2013

Because so many things everyone says will help people quit smoking just don't...

We're pinned down by advertising on both sides....
One talked me into it; the other said it knows a 
dozen ways to quit. Nothing has been found to be 
a sure-fire cure...except for sheer will power. What 
if listening to someone who's been through the grip   
of nicotine addiction and a smoke-filled life who 
somehow made it through to the other side, smiling 
and still breathing- what if that is what people need- 
the quintessential no nicotine pep talk that lets them 
know they're not alone. It IS hard. It is absurd; and...
it CAN be done. I know. I did. I smoked 219,000 
cigarettes...and still got out of it alive. Hell, I almost 
died. I understand.  That's why you're NOT alone.

I guarantee I'll make you laugh in the midst of your
anguish. Laughter, breathing and words are the basis
of this treatment. As we share stories, you'll see how 
absurd the habit is. You'll become eager to be smoke 
free. You're going to write your way to fresh air. All 
you need is to totally believe in your efforts for 30 
days. I can show you that you don't need an e cig, 
a patch, gum or to be put into a coma or a padded 
cell to quit.  And you sure as hell don't need any 
more nicotine. All you need is the proper frame of 
mind. This is your script. You're going to write yourself 
out of this habit. This is a movie with a happy ending. 
Because once you've quit smoking, nothing tastes 
better than fresh air.

Romancing The Smoke's Give It Up Program helped 
me breathe easier.  It will help you too; because you're 
no different than me. Read the book. Now breathe...

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