Thursday, November 19, 2015

If you're feeling like you need help to quit.....

Romancing The Smoke: 
Reflections of a Nicotine 
Addict is the book for you!
An anti-smoking memoir 
that tells it like it was & is.
Quitting cold turkey after 
almost 40 years as a smoker,
it chronicles the absurdity 
and the process of the habit, 
and the events that led me 
back to a smokefree life.
Full color, 25 illustrations; 
in paperback or Kindle. 
Smoke Demons Begone!
Click the link. Just do it...
Romancing The Smoke: on Amazon

QUIT. Just. Do. It.

Today's the day to go 
smokefree. Never a 
better day than today 
to quit...make that last 
one YOUR last one...

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bloomberg: U.S. Smoking Hints at Rare Comeback After Long Decline

According to an article by 
Jennifer Kaplan of Bloomberg, 
Americans appear to be smoking 
more for the first time in a decade.
It is suggested that e-cigarettes
encourage the habit, as they are 
being used by smokers in addition 
to cigarettes. RTS expressed concern
about this trend several years ago.
Anti-smoking strategies once 
implemented by states through 
tobacco control measures are 
currently spending $490 million 
as opposed to close to $10 billion 
year in Big Tobacco marketing. 

The effective strategies that were 
being used, cigarette taxes, 
restricting access, increased education
as to the actual dangers have 
not kept pace with Tobacco 
Industry's "Party like a Rock Star"
marketing practices to youth.
Another per pack federal 
excise tax increase is needed,
along with tighter restrictions.
Yeah RTS said it. It's time that
Americans stopped being so 
cavalier about their health.
Self asphyxiation is no way to die... 

Bloomberg/MSN: U.S. Smoking Appears To Be On The Rise...