Thursday, May 2, 2013

The second condition of quitting- Oral fixation; or as I call it, Furniture Gnaw

In the chapter in Romancing The Smoke where 
I discuss withdrawal, the second condition I 
encountered was the battle to disable the repetitive 
oral fixation of tobacco handling. A big part of the 
habit. I named it Furniture Gnaw. After about three 
days, I had the urge to gnaw on the nearest wooden 
doorjamb or metal drawer handle. Furniture Gnaw 
attempted to convince me that this behavior was a 
suitable alternative to replace cigarette smoking.
My mouth was craving constant attention. While this 
makes no sense, they were authentic mental and physical cravings. Like Tornado Face, very primal.
Furniture Gnaw from Romancing The Smoke

A pack a day smoker handles 20 cigarettes, putting 
them in and out of their mouths a dozen times each 
smoke. This habit requires a minimum of 240 heavy 
inhalations daily of heavy smoke laced with nicotine 
and other chemicals, many to keep you addicted. 

Before I did anything rash, like chew my way 
through the doggie door, this condition subsided.
For me, it lasted a little longer than a week. 
Carrots are now my diversion of choice.

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