Thursday, May 29, 2014

I hear they're working on a waterproof cigarette....

Thank you to Jolene Lloyd 
for the share and 
Kyle Thompson Photography
for the photograph...

If you must smoke, smoke this book!

But it first!
Need commiseration because 
it seems just too hard to quit?
Find the stories you can relate 
to that might help you take that 
deep breath towards smokefree 
no smoking while you read it...
John Aaron- Amazon Author Page

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Forbes: Philip Morris International Bets Big on the Future of Smoking-Article by Daniel Fisher

If you read only one article this 
year on the Tobacco Industry, 
smoking and its future, this article 
by Daniel Fisher is the one that will
bring a reader up to date with what
the Industry is planning for the 
changing world of nicotine addiction...
Forbes: PMI Bets Big on the Future of Smoking- Article by Daniel Fisher
Photo credit: Thomas Jantscher

Monday, May 26, 2014

Yahoo: EU warns that e cigarettes are attracting non smokers....

Yahoo: The EU recently published its 
"E Cigarettes Myth Buster" report
which found that e cigarettes are 
reaching non smokers who are 
intrigued by the apparatuses and 
the concept of "vaping."
RTS opinion- these apparatuses look 
like clinical drug dispensers....
Yahoo: EU warns that e cigarettes are attracting non smokers to nicotine

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hollywood Reporter: Less Smoking in Chinese Film and TV

Clifford Coonan reports for the 
Hollywood Reporter that the country 
that has 300 million smokers is actually 
cutting back on showing the behavior 
in film and television. This is a good trend.
Details in the link below.
Hollywood Reporter: China's movies, TV shows are featuring less smoking

Psych Central: Smoking Seen as Risk Factor for Brain Hemorrhage

This article by Traci Pedersen 
reports on the work done at the 
University of Helsinki and its 
Central Hospital, suggesting that 
smoking plays a major role in 
brain aneurysms, especially in women.
Psych Central: Smoking Seen as Risk Factor for Brain Hemorrhage

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

CBS: Dr. Stanton Glantz- UCSF study of e cigs shows they don't really help smokers to quit

This article by Jeffrey Schaub 
follows up on what those in the 
know about e cig hype have 
known all along... that don't help 
smokers to quit; my opinion is that 
they likely encourage youngsters 
to take up the gesture to be cool.
CBS: Dr. Stanton Glantz- UCSF study shows that e cigarettes don't necessarily help smokers quit...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Huffington Post: Is weight gain a deterrent to quitting smoking?

While weight gain is an excuse for many
to not give up cigarettes, the problems 
that stem from the oral fixation/transferral 
play major roles in weight gain when 
a person quits smoking. In RTS, we call 
the withdrawal condition Furniture Gnaw.
Researchers at Penn State College of 
Medicine confirmed that smokers' 
concerns about weight gain often outweigh 
their desire to quit. Even with the weight 
gain, they said that quitters substantially 
lowered their risk of heart attack & stroke. 

Article by Amanda L. Chan
Huffington Post: Is weight gain a deterrent to quitting smoking?

I took it up because I wanted to be cool like Barney....

Monday, May 5, 2014

The ways to curtail smoking have come in the forms of...

...taxation and restriction as the two 
fundamental ways that government 
and antismoking coalitions are 
winning the Tobacco War. This 
is not just national; smoking bans 
in places like Russia and Africa 
and tobacco taxes going through 
the roof in places like Australia 
and Great Britain are, in fact, slowly
turning the mighty, once thought 
unstoppable Smoking ship around.

These methods appear to not only 
be the best ways to stem the tide 
of nicotine addiction; but hitting 
the smoking population in the 
pocketbook and restricting public
access to places to smoke appear 
to be having a favorable impact in 
steering the world towards a more
smoke free destination.

This one-two punch combination 
looks like it's working....

Something about this Bugs me....