brings us the ongoing saga of
the battle between Philip Morris
International and the Campaign
for Tobaccofree Kids over the
giant's "Don't Be A Maybe"
European marketing ploy that
HBO's John Oliver skewered
last month with Jeff the Diseased
Lung (#jeffwecan) and that
TobaccoFreeKids had challenged
and PMI had struck down with
copyright infringement as its
argument. The overt sliminess of
the tobacco giant's campaign
rubs in how hip the blatant lack
lack of morals and brains is...
MAYBE presses youth to smoke
their brand if "you're cool"...
here are a couple of those
billboards... their stuff is worse
in poorer Eastern bloc countries;
and we've added a couple of
appropriate images to mock
their campaign. Big Tobacco is
using copyright infringement as
their argument on all challenges
against them, such as plain
packaging and youth target
marketing. Very important read.
This is big news...they'll use this
defense again and again.... PMI uses copyright infringement argument to silence critics of dreadful European Marlboro ads...
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